Main articles to be discovered

Poppy growing on the brick

“If-” you'll be a Man…

Re-discover Rudyard Kipling's famous poem “If- you'll be a Man, my son” which has inspired so many generations. It celebrates the courage to overcome hardship.

100m start, Berlin 2009, image Getty

I've decided to succeed

I have put together 10 tried and tested tips for finding the will to successfully achieve your ambitions and overcome obstacles in your personal and professional life.

Sculpture by Ron Mueck: Big Man

Free yourself from evil

The world is ruled by cynicism, but some people reject this legacy. Is there another non-ideological way to get out of the trap and get back to our Supreme Humanity?

Jean-Jaurès at Pré-Saint-Gervais

Manipulating opinion

A briefing on strategies and techniques for manipulating public opinion and society. Now you are warned, you will know how to defend yourself against it.

Traditionnal madeleine

Gourmet treats

Exquisite recipes for mini-cakes (madeleines, financiers, biscuits, cakes, muffins) and other delicacies (croissants, brioche, traditional cakes…).

Wolf, Tex Avery, MGM Studio

Blog of jokes

A long compilation of funny stories and jokes archived here for easy retrieval. For all tastes and ages.

Business board, image by alphaspirit

Business Model Canvas

An easy tool to challenge a business idea or its innovative start-up to reality. Understanding a company's business model so that it can evolve.

Marketing connection, photo credit: rangizz

10 marketing secrets

Learn how to appeal to customers through 10 marketing strategies explained to entrepreneurs with simplicity and honesty.

internet, photo credit: Mikko Lemola

Tools for WebDev

Here are several posts about website management, how to protect yourself from hackers and pirates, SEO, debugging, backup…

Camera Fujifilm x100v

Photographer's memento

Hints and tips to take beautiful photographs, settings, styles, common shooting scenarios, black and white, image processing…

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This site serves as a repository for various topics that interest me. That is why it covers such a wide range of unrelated subjects. There are many pages to visit. Check the menu to see them all.